Welcome at HKI
Your specialists for Peter Wolters machines for precision surface treatment
Our services
Retrofit / plant overhaul

We carry out machine overhauls of your Peter Wolters AC### machines at any assembly depth. In general, we prefabricate all assembly steps in-house. That means we come to you with a complete conversion kit. Consisting of a new control cabinet and control panel, new pneumatic island and pre-assembled mechanical components. These assemblies have already been tested in-house and even provided with ready-to-use software. This optimally shortens the downtime of your system. A complete overhaul of your machine is done in a few weeks and you can start producing again.

Here you can see a control cabinet conversion from Siemens S5 to Siemens S7. In the picture above, the outdated S5 PLC has already been removed and a new S7-400 installed. Don’t worry, we know what we’re doing and we’ll find our way through this line chaos. In the picture below you can see the fully installed PLC.
Service & Spare Parts

Our experienced service team carries out repairs and overhauls on your Peter Wolters machines. We use the most modern tools and measuring equipment. We keep a large pool of spare parts ready, as well as various suppliers who support us in our work. New service vehicles with selected equipment and spare parts on board are also available.